Sunday, January 20, 2008

One day left!

How is it possible that 82 days have passed since we arrived here in Fish Hoek, a suburb of Cape Town in South Africa?
We will fly out of here late Monday night to head back to Colorado Springs, and then on to Quito, Ecuador a few days later.

We came so Ron could preach for his friend and fellow HCJB Global board member John Thomas, at the King of Kings Baptist Church, while John did some necessary travel. Barb would work with Avril Thomas and HCJB Global missionary, Susie Pile, at our partner ministry, Living Hope, a ministry involved in the AIDS crisis here. It has been a great three months! (The photo is of our coast line from the top of a mountain we climbed)

We have been house sitting for people traveling during these summer days here. We have lived in four different settings, with four different views in different areas on the Cape of Good Hope peninsula. We have learned that this place is beautiful whatever direction you are facing. We have lived right on the Atlantic Ocean as well as on the Indian Ocean, both sides of this isthmus. We have also been very graciously loaned a car and have learned to drive on the 'other' side.

So, what else have we learned?

1. We have loved preaching and being with the same people week after week. We know their names. We have been in their homes. We have seen some very good decisions. It has been 25 years since we were in the same pulpit week after week.

2. Our hearts are even more committed to Africa. "Hopeless" is the word that best describes many people. We have come to believe that the only hope is in Jesus Christ and in His church. And, the only hope for the church are trained leaders. We are so glad that has become one of HCJB Global's goals.

3. The conversation with John Thomas about people being treated and living longer with AIDS, and the danger they can be to others, and to their children, was eye opening. That is a new problem that must be addressed.

4. We have tried to share with you, via our blogs during this time, what people are doing here to help provide 'hope'. Some are feeding, some are teaching, some are training those who are in need so they can provide for themselves and their families. Most of these people have a partnership relationship with HCJB Global is some way. Some are involved with other ministries, yet here in Africa we work together, because if we don't we all fail!

5. There is still much Barb and I can do and by God's grace we will continue until God 'retires' us to Heaven.

6. We have been blessed by the number of conversations we have had with people who want to do more for Jesus. It is very encouraging to us and makes us more and more committed to keep challenging people to 'get off the curb and into the parade'.

7. Now, we go to Latin America where we will be involved in training Global Leaders. Then to Singapore and another set of leaders from throughout that region. We just want to make a difference and training leaders is one way to do that.

Pray for the ministries working here Today, pray for Africa. Thank you for praying for us!

Ron and Barb


Jon and Mindy Hirst said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts and recording your time in South Africa - it has been a great blessing


Hi Ron and Barb,

Thank you for being a blessing during this 3 months in Cape Town...
We were in Fish Hoek practically the same time. Learnt that it was Ron's birthday this week
Happy Birthday, knowing that the Lord will renew His strength in you and renew you as the eagle...
So that you can bless more people...
Many Blessings
From Mauritius
My Email:

Claude said...

Ron and Barb, you will never know how we have been blessed by following your blogs over these "82 day". Thank you so much. May God bless you richly as you continue in the ministry of training leaders.

from Claude and Edna Beachy

about me said...

Hi Ron and Barb, I praise God for what you have done there, and will continue to pray for your effectiveness and power in the ministry

I am very inspired by both of your life.

your little bro